Infinity Systems Inc Car Amplifier 202a User Manual

202a 2-Ch Power Amplifier  
Owners Manual  
Installation Guide  
For your convenience, weve included several application  
diagrams to help you plan your own system installation.  
Figures 1 through 3 show how to configure the Kappa 202a  
for stereo, bridged-mono, and tri-mode operation.  
For system expansion ideas, see the next page.  
NOTE: For simplicity, Figures 1 through 3 do not show power,  
remote, and input connections.  
Figure 1. This wiring diagram  
shows a Kappa 202a amplifier  
set to stereo to drive a pair of  
full-range speakers.  
Set Mode Switch  
(on top panel)  
REM R +  
L –  
Set Filter Switches  
KAPPA 202a  
(rear panel)  
(on top panel)  
R Speaker  
L Speaker  
Figure 2. This wiring  
diagram shows a Kappa  
BRIDGE (on top panel)  
202a amplifier set to  
Set Mode Switch To  
bridge (mono) to drive a  
single subwoofer.  
REM R +  
L –  
Set Filter Switches  
(on top panel)  
KAPPA 202a  
(rear panel)  
Figure 3. This wiring diagram  
shows a Kappa 202a amplifier  
set for tri-mode operation. For  
a desired crossover frequency,  
use the chart to select a low-  
pass inductor for the sub-  
woofer, and corresponding  
high-pass capacitors for left  
and right speakers.  
Set Mode Switch  
(on top panel)  
REM R +  
L –  
Set Filter Switches  
R Speaker  
L Speaker  
KAPPA 202a  
Crossover 6 dB/oct. LP 6 dB/oct. HP  
(on top panel)  
(rear panel)  
(4 ohm)  
(4 ohm)  
8.0 mH  
6.4 mH  
5.0 mH  
4.2 mH  
3.6 mH  
3.2 mH  
530 µF  
400 µF  
318 µF  
265 µF  
227 µF  
198 µF  
100 Hz  
125 Hz  
150 Hz  
175 Hz  
200 Hz  
Owners Manual/ Installation Guide 3  
KAPPA 52a  
5 1⁄4" Speakers  
L/R Inputs  
Figure 4. In this example  
system, a Kappa 52a drives  
a pair of 514" speakers.  
The 102as stereo low-pass  
outputs feed a bridged-  
mono Kappa 102a to drive  
a single 12" subwoofer.  
L/R Outputs  
KAPPA 102a  
12" Subwoofer  
L/R Inputs  
1" Tweeter  
4" Midrange  
KAPPA 52a  
KAPPA 102a  
KAPPA 202a  
L/R Inputs  
1" Tweeter  
4" Midrange  
Figure 5. In this expanded  
system, a Kappa 52a drives  
a pair of component  
L/R Outputs  
systems. The 52as low-  
pass outputs feed a Kappa  
102a to drive a stereo pair  
of 6" mid/ bass speakers.  
The 102as low-pass  
outputs feed a bridged-  
mono Kappa 202a to drive  
a single 12" subwoofer.  
6" Mid/Bass Speakers  
L/R Inputs  
NOTE: Many different  
systems are possible using  
the crossover settings on  
Kappa amplifiers,  
including ones with 24 dB  
per octave slopes achieved  
through cascaded  
L/R Outputs  
configurations. For more  
information, consult your  
Infinity Car Audio dealer.  
12" Subwoofer  
L/R Inputs  
4 Infinity Kappa 202a Power Amplifier  
The Kappa 202a has five levels of circuit protection  
that monitor the amplifier and will shut it down if the  
elect r ica l syst em volt a ge dr ops below 10 Vdc or  
exceeds 15.5 Vdc, temperatures are above 194° F (90°  
C), sh or t cir cu it s occu r , or cu r r en t dr a w exceeds  
product specifications. For best performance, check  
t h e in t en d ed m ou n t in g s it e t o m a k e s u r e t h e  
operating environment does not create conditions that  
will trigger circuit protection.  
Always wear protective eyewear when using tools.  
The Kappa 202a uses gold-plated, industrial-grade  
Weco plu g-in con n ect or s for power a n d spea ker  
wiring. Because of precision tolerances, do not insert  
the connectors into the amplifier without pre-wiring  
them first. Once the wires are fastened in each shell,  
t h ey p r ovid e a d d it ion a l gr ip p in g a r ea for ea s y  
connector removal.  
When routing cables, keep input signal cables away  
fr om power ca bles a n d ou t pu t spea k er wir es, a s  
shown in Figure 6 (below).  
Prior to installation, turn off all audio systems and  
ot h er elect r ica l devices. Also discon n ect t h e ()  
negative lead from the vehicles battery.  
Wh en m a k in g con n ect ion s, m a k e su r e t h a t ea ch  
connection is clean and properly secured. Observe the  
pola rity ma rkings on the rea r pa nel. Refer to the  
application drawings (Figures 1 through 3 on page 3)  
to set up the amplifier for operation in stereo, bridged-  
mono, bi-amp, or tri-mode configurations.  
At the installation site, locate and make a note of all  
fuel lines, hydraulic brake lines, and electrical wiring.  
Use extreme caution when cutting or drilling in and  
around these areas.  
Use the amplifier as a mounting template to mark  
locations for the mounting holes.  
If the amplifiers fuse needs replacement, use only  
the same rating and type as a replacement. Do not  
substitute another kind.  
Check clearances on both sides of a planned mounting  
surface before drilling any holes or installing any  
screws. Remember that mounting screws can extend  
up to an inch behind the surface.  
SPEAKER Cables  
AUDIO Cables  
Kappa 202a  
POWER and  
REMOTE Cables  
Figure 6. To minimize possible noise pickup, use this suggested  
cable routing scheme to plan your amplifier installation.  
Owners Manual/ Installation Guide 5  
Th e Ka p p a 202a is ea s y t o in s t a ll. F or op t im u m  
performance, we recommend using high-quality, twisted-  
pair shielded RCA audio cables and 14-gauge or larger  
speaker wire. Also, youll need a minimum of 12-gauge  
stranded copper wire (e.g., red and black jackets) for the  
power connections. Use 18-gauge (e.g., blue jacket) wire  
for remote turn-on.  
The Kappa 202a can be mounted in virtually any location  
i n si d e t h e veh icle. H owever , m a ke su r e t o keep t h e  
amplifier away from heater vents or ducts.  
1. At the chosen site, use the amplifier as a mounting  
template and mark locations of the four mounting holes.  
Depending on your total system plan, allow for adequate  
time a nd the possibility of overnight stora ge of your  
vehicle, since it may take more than one day to complete  
the installation.  
2. Drill a small pilot hole at each marked location.  
3. Mou n t t h e a m p lifier a n d s ecu r ely t igh t en t h e  
mounting screws.  
Refer to Figure 7 (below) for details of the Kappa 202as  
E xa m in e a n d ver ify t h a t t h e pa ck a ge in clu des t h e  
following items:  
front and rear panel connections.  
1. For power, remote, and speaker wires, strip 4" off  
(1) Kappa 202a Power Amplifier  
(2) Spare ATC fast-blow fuses (40 A)  
(1) Control cover with (2) machine screws  
(1) Weco 5-pin audio connector  
(1) Weco 2-pin power connector  
(4) #8 mounting screws  
one end of each jacket to reveal bare wire for insertion  
into the Weco connectors.  
2. Usin g t h e Weco 2-pin power con n ect or s, con n ect  
individual black wires from the nearest bare-metal  
chassis component to each () terminal. Then, connect  
in dividu a l r ed wir es fr om t h e veh icles +12-volt  
battery terminal to each (+) terminal.  
(front panel)  
(rear panel)  
Figure 7. Wiring connections for the Kappa 202a amplifier.  
6 Infinity Kappa 202a Power Amplifier  
INSTALLATION (continued)  
3. Make sure the wires are firmly seated in each Weco  
2-pin connector and that each screw is completely  
tightened. Insert the wired connectors into the POWER  
sockets on the amplifier. Press each one in until it stops.  
Initially, turn the input sensitivity GAIN control to its  
minimum (counter-clockwise) position (refer to Figure 8).  
1. Recon n ect t h e () n ega t ive lea d t o you r veh icles  
battery. Apply power to the audio system and play a  
favorite music track from CD or tape.  
4. Using the Weco 5-pin connector, connect a blue wire  
from the source units remote connection to the REM  
terminal. Depending on polarity requirements (e.g.,  
bridged-mono or tri-mode configurations see Figures  
1 through 3 on page 3), connect speaker wires from  
the speakers to the L and R (+ and ) terminals, as  
required by your system plan.  
NOTE: After the source unit is on, green LEDs (on the top  
pane)l will illuminate, indicating the amplifier is on. If not,  
check the wiring, especially the remote connection from the  
source unit. Also refer to Troubleshootingon the next page.  
2. On the source unit, increase the volume control to  
maximum position. Slowly increase the GAIN control  
(clockwise) towards three oclock and, at the same  
time, listen to the quality of the reproduced sound. At  
some point, youll hear distortion on the music peaks.  
Stop the adjustment and turn it back slightly.  
5. Make sure the wires are firmly seated in the Weco 5-pin  
connector and that each screw is completely tightened.  
Insert the wired Weco 5-pin connector into the 5-pin  
socket on the amplifier. Press it in until it stops.  
6. Connect RCA cables from a source unit to the L and R  
INPUT jacks.  
Dynamic Bass Optimizer (DBO) is a new approach to  
en h a n cin g low-fr equ en cy r epr odu ct ion in a veh icle.  
Conventional bass boost controls add bass at a fixed  
fr equ en cy a n d ca u s e t h e a m p lifier t o con s u m e  
considerable power. DBO conserves valuable power at  
the lowest frequencies and allows you to adjust the level  
and characterof the bass sound, instead of just the  
amount of boom.  
IMP ORTANT: If you pla n to u se th e Ka ppa 202a to d r ive  
fu ll-r a n ge spea ker s, set both AMP a n d AUX filter s to  
FLAT (r efer to Figu r e 1 on pa ge 3 a n d Figu r e 8 below)  
a n d skip to th e n ext section , “Settin g In pu t Sen sitivity”.  
1. Set t h e CROSSOVE R con t r ol t o t h e fr equ en cy  
recommended by speaker manufacturer (refer to Figure  
8). If the value is unknown, set the control midway.  
Since a subwoofer in a tuned box is given to overexcursion  
below the tuned frequency, set the FREQ control below  
the boxs resonant (tuned) frequency (see Figure 9 on the  
next page). Power typically wasted in this region will now  
be conserved and instead be available for frequencies the  
enclosure will reproduce. Use the Q control to boost the  
bass at the set frequency by as much as 12 dB (at MAX  
position see Figure 9 on the next page).  
For sealed enclosures, use DBO to enhance the output so  
it sounds more like a tuned box. This is a result of 12 dB  
of rolloff being added to the enclosures rolloff and a  
flattening of frequency response (at the curves knee)  
when Q is boosted.  
For infinite baffles, set the FREQ control to the speakers  
Fs value (to keep the subwoofer from trying to create bass  
below the resonant frequency) and adjust the Q control  
according to personal taste.  
After wiring and testing the Kappa 202a amplifier, install  
the control cover using the enclosed machine screws to  
deter tampering and help seal out dust.  
Figure 8. Kappa 202a controls for crossover, input, output, and  
DBO (Dynamic Bass Optimizer).  
NOTE: Do not over-tighten the machine screws. Doing so may  
crack the cover.  
2. Depending on your system plan, set the AMP and  
AUX switches to LP (low-pass), HP (high-pass), or  
FLAT (refer to Figure 8).  
Owners Manual/ Installation Guide 7  
Use the following guide to identify symptoms and solve  
problems. Make sure the vehicles electrical system is  
working properly and power is reaching the Kappa 202a  
(i.e., green LEDs on the top panel are on).  
Audio cycles  
off and on;  
Amber protec-  
tion LEDs (on  
top panel) are on  
A protection circuit  
is turning the  
amplifier off and on  
Verify the following–  
electrical system is  
between 10 ~ 15.5 Vdc;  
temperature is not  
over 194°F (90°C);  
no short circuits;  
speaker loads are not  
less than 1 ohm  
(2 ohms in mono)  
No audio  
Low /No Remote  
Turn-On Voltage  
Check connections;  
test turn-on voltage  
Speakers are not  
connected or are  
Check wiring; use  
VOM/DVM to  
measure speaker  
coil impedance  
Audio cycles  
off and on;  
Amber protection  
LEDs (on top  
panel) are on  
GAIN is set too high  
Set Input Sensitivity  
correctly (see previous  
Distorted audio Input sensitivity  
and/or bass control  
See Setting Input  
Sensitivity and  
Setting DBO  
is not set properly  
on previous page  
Fuse blows  
Incorrect wiring or  
short circuit  
Check connections;  
refer to Applications  
(see page 3)  
Audio lacks  
Speakers are wired  
with wrong polarity  
Check polarity of  
connections; refer to  
Applications (page 3 )  
KAPPA 202A ...  
Power Output, 4 ohms:  
2 x 200 watts  
2 x 300 watts  
DBO FREQ Control  
DBO Q Control  
(adjusts cut-off  
(adjusts boost amount  
Power Output, 2 ohms:  
at cut-off frequency)  
Power Output, Bridged 4 ohms: 600 watts  
Frequency Response:  
Input Sensitivity:  
20 Hz ~ 20 kHz  
250 mV ~ 9 V  
0.05 %  
THD + Noise (4 ohms):  
> 95 dB  
80 A  
19 1 2 x 2 3 16 x 81 2 in.  
Freq. (Hz)  
Freq. (Hz)  
Maximum Current Draw:  
Dimensions (w x h x l):  
Figure 9. Frequency response curves show range of Kappa 202a  
DBO controls.  
495.3 x 55.6 x 215.9 mm  
©1996, Infinity Systems, Inc., 20630 Nordhoff Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311, USA  
VOICE (818) 407-0228 FAX (818) 709-9486  
Infinity constantly strives to update and improve existing products, as well as create new ones; therefore, the specifications and construction details in this and related Infinity  
publications are subject to change without notice. Dynamic Bass Optimizer and Unibloc are trademarks of Infinity Systems, Inc. Weco is a registered trademark of Weco, Inc.  
P/ N SH1104 Rev. 3  
8 Infinity Kappa 202a Power Amplifier  

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